Milestone for the month of August: 102 milesMonday went out with Michael on the west bank and got in 4 miles.
Got another 4 miles Tuesday with the RunnersWorld group.
Thursday evening started out with the RunnersWorld group and as
usual started out too fast and struggled for 6 miles with Ed.
Ed was kind enough to hang back with me. Thanks Ed.
Saturday ran (mostly ran) 14 miles, again with Ed. That's the most
mileage for both of us. We started with Deon but I guess our pace
was just a little slow for him so he inched ahead and was soon out
of site with his cousin Crystal. He and Team Bean were about a half
mile ahead of us at the last turnaround. We had Rachael, Linda and
Jennifer in our sites for much of the run, but eventually they got out
of our site also. The first 3 miles felt strong. Every time I looked at
my Garmin, our pace was between 12-13 min/mile. Sometimes a
little faster and sometimes a little slower.

Some points along the way I felt nauseous.

When we got done I was drained
of energy and really tired.
Didn't really hurt, just plain tired.
Did anyone else's feet feel like this?

This is not my foot but my feet felt about like this.
That's 28 miles for the week. Not 50, 80, 100 or more like some of
our fellow runner's, but hey, we are climbing up that mileage hill.
Charlotte, can't wait for your "Psychology and Running" talk.
I'm needing it about now, as I am wondering what the heck I'm
doing thinking I can run a marathon.
Psychology and Running..... What goes on between your ears
when you run? Charlotte Lindley, with Lifestyle Fitness
will be in RunnersWorld, Thursday, September 18th at 7:00pm
to talk about the mind games we play when we run and how to
eliminate the negative self debilitating chatter.
Snacks provided.
Please RSVP to