Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I've been tagged by a Trail Zombie

Okay, I've been tagged by a Trail Zombie. I'll play along since
I have the best sense of humor on the planet. This is the sixth
picture from my sixth hot babe picture folder. I found this chick
on the Arkansas side of Tulsa. I thought I might introduce her to
one of my running buddies, Ed or Deon (which one of you guys
has the best dental plan?). Sorry Ken and Brian, you're both
already taken or I would have considered one of you.

See, I have a sense of humor. Here is my real photo.
This is my brother-in-law Russell and sister-in-law
Christin. Russell is Susan's brother in case you didn't
know. They have both joined in to this thing we call
running. They decided to give a little back to the
running community and volunteer at an aid station
at the Turkey and Taturs trail race this past September.
Susan and I had a good time manning this aid station with
them. If you have never gotten involved with the
volunteering side of running, I recommend it.
I tag Lisa. Now you have to post.
I also tag Sandra. Both from RunnersWorld.


BOCA said...

HAHAHA okay that is the funniest picture ever!!!

T Z said...

Ya know, Ed would surely call her a "fixer upper". Really, not too bad if you can get past the teeth.

T Z said...

....and the nose

simulatedme said...

I've gone back 4 times and it's still not right

Cassy Russell said...

Umm, Bobby, I don't think that is a chick.

simulatedme said...

Still freakin me out!